How it all started...
At 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 31, 1977, thirty -five people met in a brand new hay barn behind the home of L.J. and Jon Chachere. With borrowed chairs from the Dayton FFA Chapter and a piano hauled in on a pick-up truck, Mervyn Collins led the singing and his daughter Beth and Nannette Chachere assisted at the piano. Ed Laza brought the message from the thirteenth chapter of Numbers.
A business meeting was held after the service. It was decided to continue to meet in the barn, to hold regular Sunday School classes and a mid-week service and to trust in the Lord to send a messenger each Sunday. Ed Laza was elected treasurer and Lynn West secretary. This was the beginning of Calvary Baptist Church.
Sunday, September 4, 1977, the congregation voted to organize into a Baptist Church with Elmer Oliver, L.J. Chachere, Mervyn Collins and Ed Laza elected as administrators. Brother A.L. Jordan of Baytown began preaching duties on September 11, and on October 2 accepted the post of Interim Pastor.
A business meeting was held after the service. It was decided to continue to meet in the barn, to hold regular Sunday School classes and a mid-week service and to trust in the Lord to send a messenger each Sunday. Ed Laza was elected treasurer and Lynn West secretary. This was the beginning of Calvary Baptist Church.
Sunday, September 4, 1977, the congregation voted to organize into a Baptist Church with Elmer Oliver, L.J. Chachere, Mervyn Collins and Ed Laza elected as administrators. Brother A.L. Jordan of Baytown began preaching duties on September 11, and on October 2 accepted the post of Interim Pastor.

Expanding the vision...
The groundwork for the foundation was started in March, 1979. July 29, 1979, was the first Sunday in the new building with 108 present for Sunday School and about 150 for worship.
Building Dedication Day was September 30, 1979, with 139 present in Sunday School and an inspiring service for dedication of the building and of the people.
Building Dedication Day was September 30, 1979, with 139 present in Sunday School and an inspiring service for dedication of the building and of the people.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am.